Category Name > Knowledge Base
KB00172: NTV100XG setup for use with Gorgy displays using RS232 or RS422

This note describes the correct setup for an NTV100 XG to drive Brandywine displays using RS422 or RS232 serial data messages. This setup is applicable to GPS based units (NTV-100RG, NTV-100DG)

Link settings:
JP1 6-8 only

HTML Time screen for serial message format

Format %X02%w %D/%m/%y  %H:%M:%S%C

The default messsage is correct - this is given as guidance in case the message has been changed

  • Baud: 2400
  • Data bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Parity: EVEN

Cable Connections RS422
NTV100 XG DB9 Gorgy Clock with RS422

TX+ 8 <------------------------------> E/S+
TX - 7 <------------------------------> E/S -
GND 5 <------------------------------> GND

Supportscreen tag